Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My Saturday Food Journal

I know it's already Monday evening, but I wish it were Saturday again. Saturday was sooo beautiful here in the Twin Cities - a stark contrast to today, rain and thunderstorm warnings. It actually just started to pour the second I stepped outside of work today to go home. Cars came to a screeching halt, acting like they've never driven in the rain before. It took me forever to get out of downtown, and by the time I got home - the bottom of my pants were wet. I hate that feeling, esp with no socks on.
Saturday was the perfect day, no prior obligations to attend to. My husband I went to South Minneapolis in the Lindon Hills neighborhood to the Linden Hills Co-op, a natural food store. He's all of a sudden really into natural foods. We went with our reusable grocery bag, bought some fresh local veggies, gourmet pasta, and fresh bread, and felt so cool. Then we walked around the Linden Hills area - which was picked as the Minneapolis neighborhood with the "best small town feel" by Metro magazine. It was a totally cute neighborhood with cute shops and cafes and families out for a stroll. We stopped at Sebastian Joe's, this great home-made ice cream place. Then we wandered around to check out the restaurants and took notes of the ones we'll want to check out.

The next stop was Lake Calhoun, where I've always wanted to each lunch in the food pavilion. Lake Calhoun is the largest lake inside the city, surrounded by huge beautiful mansions. I love the whole Lake Calhoun atmosphere, everyone always looks so happy! Of course there were a ton of people out because the day was so nice, so we were lucky to find a parking spot at all! At the pavilion we had to stalk people until they left to get a bench, I ordered the Grilled Mahi Mahitaco, DH ordered Shrimp Nachos. It was hot, and I forgot my sunglasses. The mahi mahi was delicious, the shrimp nachos were bigger than what we expected. Then we walked around the lake to walk off the meal.
grilled mahi mahi taco (though you can't see the mahi mahi) - yum!

shrimp tacos - see how large this was?? the chips were very fatty too 
The food pavilion from afar...

Our view of the lake whilst eating...

you can't really tell in this picture - but the rows and rows of cars parked a long the road across from the lake

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